Michael Hicks: Lasting effects of the KKK in Indiana


Last autumn I read Timothy Egan’s masterpiece, “Fever in the Heartland,” which covers the abrupt rise and fall of the Ku Klux Klan in Indiana. It sent me down a research pathway that uncovered ill effects of the KKK on the population and demographics that still plague parts of Indiana.

Editorial: Decision to gut access law is disappointing


Indianapolis Business Journal

Brian Howey: Republican governor candidates vote no on Hoosier referendums


Indiana is not a referendum state. Hoosier voters cannot gather signatures to qualify an issue to appear for an up or down vote on the ballot.

Editorial: Pence speaks against Trump far too late


The (Columbus) Republic

Editorial: Recess is something that needs to be cherished


The (Fort Wayne) Journal Gazette

Editorial: Take time to prepare for severe weather


At 10:15 a.m. Tuesday, emergency sirens around Indiana sounded as part of a pre-planned statewide tornado drill marking Severe Weather Preparedness Week.

John Krull: With enemies like these, who needs friends


The early polls declared President Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address a success.

Mark Franke: Trump as Andrew Jackson


It is a matter of discipline with me to avoid listening to political speeches.

Adkins: Don’t cast those who believe in factual history as unpatriotic


America has a rich history of which we can all be profoundly proud. Our economic might is the strongest the world has ever known and we have no equal. Our military might is simply unmatched in the annals of world history. No nation has ever done more to protect other nations or ever given as much aid. Most importantly, we can be exceedingly proud of the Great American Experiment.

Editorial: Housing needs more attention at Statehouse


The (Columbus) Republic