Leo Morris: COVID and the Djokovic Line


It’s an issue that has long engaged my attention: Where do we draw the line between autonomy and subjugation, between when we should be left alone and when we must be made to conform for the common good?

Mark Franke: Now they are coming for our beer


The Apocalypse is at hand. And it was COVID that brought it about.

ANOTHER VIEWPOINT: We have the tools fight the omicron variant


President Joe Biden got it right: The new coronavirus variant omicron is “a cause for concern, not a cause for panic.”

Linda Steele



ANOTHER VIEWPOINT: A chaotic approach to tax reform


Under pressure of successive self-imposed deadlines, with a befuddled country looking on, Democrats in Congress continue to wrestle with a supposedly transformative spending plan and the means to pay for it. On Thursday, President Joe Biden announced yet another version of what this might involve. The eventual outcome is still anybody’s guess.

Jay Ambrose: The China threat


China recently launched a test missile that whirled around the entire planet traveling at five times the speed of sound and previewing hypersonic duplicates someday possibly threatening nuclear obliteration all over the place. Getting their adjectives mixed up, some say this could be the beginning of a second Cold War. The more worrisome issue could be a hot war.

Leo Morris: The new Superman fails to inspire


I’ve got a secret.

Who will step up to the plate?


There is an old axiom: “You need to step up to the plate.” This saying rings true today, especially in this day of social media and culture wars, including cancel culture. When one thinks about the axiom, visions of Babe Ruth are conjured up. The Babe, of course, was the home run king of bygone days. It has been reported that his record of striking out is almost as legendary as his home run record.

Welcome to the new economy


A new pizza place opened near my home in Indianapolis.