Michael Leppert: Awful primary campaign season is giving Indiana what it deserves


French philosopher and statesman Joseph de Maistre is credited with saying it first: “Every country has the government it deserves.” In America, we more often credit the sentiment to Thomas Jefferson, who specifically said, “The government you elect is the government you deserve.”

Michael Hicks: US debt will change local economic development policies


The U.S. national debt is near its politically unsustainable level. That means substantive changes to both taxes and spending in the foreseeable future, which also means less federal funding for state and local governments.

Editorial: Rokita right to target forever chemicals


The (Anderson) Herald Bulletin

Michael Hicks: We botched last curriculum reform, we can’t again


Indiana is in the process of revamping its high school curricula. This could be a superb opportunity to rethink some fundamentals about schooling, its role in society and the needs of the future economy. It is also a good time to re-center the long-term wellbeing of students into the discussion.

John Krull: When the story is the story


Gregg Doyel made national news the other day.

Niki Kelly: Consider this curmudgeon confused on latest diploma move


It finally happened — I have become my father. Specifically, I find myself talking about how things were when I was growing up. For instance, when I went to high school, everyone got the same diploma and it gave you a rounded knowledge base to prepare you for your future, whatever that may have looked like.

Editorial: New ILEARN format will allow more personalized learning


The (Fort Wayne) Journal Gazette