ROOP: Optimizing health and well-being for women and their babies


Childbirth in the U.S. can be dangerous, compared with other developed nations. Roughly every 12 hours a woman dies of a pregnancy-related cause, and 60 percent of these causes are preventable. In addition, many babies continue to be born too early, too small, or too sick to go home with their families.

MARCUS: New industry to find home in Indiana


Kevin of Kokomo is not known in economic development circles, but he is a titan among the state’s fashion designers. During the Covid pandemic, when we all had to remain at a distance from others, Kevin clothed models in sandpaper impregnated with camphor. It was most effective.

MORRIS: A new fun fact for Indiana


Here is a fun fact for your amusement, which I just invented: The Grand Canyon is seven miles longer than Indiana.

JETER: Technical foul: Blowing the whistle on governor’s veto against girls’ sports


A towering biological male recently took the top spot in a women’s college swimming championship. This win and others like it continue to shake up female sports at every level of play across the nation. My young daughters and other Hoosier girls like them deserve to compete on a fair and level playing field, and it’s time for Indiana to take a stand. That’s why I’m incredibly disappointed that the governor vetoed legislation that would have protected the integrity of girls’ K-12 sports in Indiana.

KRULL: Whose bruised ego are we talking about?


It is easy, almost too easy, to laugh at Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita.