Morris: A not-so-special session


Indiana legislators are gearing up for a special session set to begin July 25 and last at least a couple of weeks. We should urge them to reconsider and just stay home.

Dunn: Inflexible laws and their consequences


Many questions and concerns have arisen since a 10-year-old Ohio rape victim was sent to Indiana for the abortion that was denied her in her home state.

Griffin: We’ve gone a long way backward


“Unless women demand their rights politically, socially and financially, they will continue in the future as in the past.” - from the constitution of the Women’s Rights Convention in Dublin, Ind., 1851.

Franke: Virtue’s disappearance in our public character


In 1993, William Bennett published an impressive anthology of essays, fables, poems and other writings titled “The Book of Virtues: A Treasury of Great Moral Stories.” This is an excellent reader for children of all ages, especially for bedtime stories. Adults may think this book below them but I would still encourage reading it and thinking deeply on the morals taught therein.

Morris: The court and balance


Make it so.

Montgomery: Work Ethic


I have entitled this “Coffee House Rambling,” Work Ethic. Unfortunately, I am afraid that some in America have never had it or, perhaps due to circumstances beyond their control such as government subsidies some have.