Franke: Children still do read real books


I was in the checkout line at my local branch library the other day, standing behind several youngsters slowly doing their own checkouts with minimal mother assistance. One librarian caught my eye with an “I’m sorry about this” glance to which I responded, “This makes my day.”

Adkins: Dems hope to buck tradition in the midterms


Democrats are hopeful they can buck tradition and not lose Congressional seats in this November’s mid-term elections. Tradition holds that they will lose the House of Representatives and likely the Senate. With only a nine-seat advantage in the House and a tie in the Senate, along with a President polling as low as Donald Trump during Covid, the best guess is that tradition will hold. After all, Democratic voters are notorious for poor turnout during the midterms.

Morris: America: What will it be?


Is America, both as a nation and a concept, coming to the end of the road?

Franke: NIMBY is alive and well


Not In My Back Yard (NIMBY) demands recognition as a universal truth with claims both on natural law and natural rights. Its logic is unassailable. It must be, based on the number of people who claim Bill of Rights level protection under it. No one has offered a refutation acceptable to the NIMBY choir.

Hicks: Why are rich places growing and poor places in decline?


Over the past four decades, the United States suffered its first prolonged period of economic divergence. This type of divergence occurs when rich places grow at a noticeably different rate than poor places, which causes the standard of living to diverge. Roughly around 1980, the nation experienced broad convergence, and capital (businesses) and people migrated from poorer (lower-income, lower-cost) areas to richer (higher-income, higher-cost) areas.

Kelly: Indiana Senate plan latest round in surplus talks


Most of the talk surrounding the special session that starts Monday is about abortion, but that issue isn’t even the primary reason Gov. Eric Holcomb called lawmakers back to duty. Instead it’s about rebates or refunds or inflation relief - whatever they choose to call it.