Wishing it was easier to ‘delete’ governor

To the editor: Don’t you, like I, wish that we could simply hit the delete key on our keyboard and Mike Pence...

CAFOs hazardous to our neighbors, environment

This column is part of a two-part series on confined feeding operations. Years ago, when I was traveling the Alabama countryside, I...

Veterans worthy of Honor Flight, visit to memorial

The 2015 session is in full swing. In the midst of considering the budget and other necessary measures for Indiana, I recently had an...

Prosecutor dropped ball in drug cases

To the editor: Something seems to not smell right with that many charges being dismissed at one time ("More cases dismissed," A1,...

Prosecutor dropped ball in drug cases

To the editor: Something seems to not smell right with that many charges being dismissed at one time ("More cases dismissed," A1,...

Legislature needs to curb property seizures

“or shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.” — United States Constitution, Amendment V. Increased intrusion by government...

Eternal perspective needed to win race of faith

In Hebrews 12:1-2, we see the great outstanding feature of the Christian is that he has life. Not a common, natural life of the...

Letter to the Editor Toney

To the editor: I would like to thank all the people behind the scenes that keep Greenfield going. Many are not recognized...

Old house likely used as stage coach depot

Roy Wilson writes, "My brother, sister and I bought the house/farm from the estate of Ruth Apple in May. As next-door neighbors for 60...

It’s time for makeover of your heart’s health

Who doesn’t love a makeover? This type of transformation gives confidence and a feeling of rejuvenation. After a makeover, many individuals have a smile...