Letter to the editor: Pondering courtesy on the road, respect for teachers

The the editor:While ruminating in isolation, a couple of items have been on my mind. My husband and son farm, and planting in the...

Letter to the editor: Mask order is a reasonable response to keep us safe

To the editor:In these difficult, unprecedented times, Gov. Eric Holcomb is tasked with keeping the state safe. While requiring all Hoosiers to wear a...

Letter to the editor: Democratic socialism: It’s not what you think

The the editor:What is democratic socialism? The part of the phrase most people focus on is "socialism." And while democratic socialists do borrow some...

Letter to the editor: 4 reasons to oppose the McClarnon Drive extension

To the editor:As a 30-year resident of Walnut Woods, I am adamantly opposed to the McClarnon Drive Extension.1. Building a bridge that would have...

Letter to the editor: Hospital should leave development to developers

To the editor:I read with great interest your front-page article about the development of the land around the new Gateway hospital facility at Interstate...

Letter to the editor: Let’s give thanks for sound fiscal leadership

To the editor:After reading the recent article in the Daily Reporter about the AAA rating we have here in Hancock County and how all...

Letter to the editor: Trump is improving trade imbalance

To the editor:Michael Hicks' column regarding trade with China was eye-opening in its bias and denial of obvious facts ("More presidential trade confusion," July...

Letter to the editor: A community discussion on race has begun

To the editor:When Barack Obama ran in 2008, the country was shocked at the level of racism that emerged that most of us thought...

Letter to the editor: Impending growth demands that roads get attention

To the editor:As a Greenfield resident with family in Chicago, I travel Interstates 65 and 70 frequently and have had to contend with heavy...

Letter to the editor: Puppy mills harbor animals in horrible conditions

To the editor:Over the last few months, many have taken on the opportunity to welcome a new, furry member to the family. As an...