Letter to the editor: Downtown success depends on controlling traffic

To the editor:I read the article "Rallying Support" (Sept. 1, Page A1) with bemusement. I congratulate Debra Cochran for her appointment to head Greenfield...

Letter to the editor: Columnist Adkins is out of touch with reality

To the editor:Michael Adkins and I have similar backgrounds. He is an intelligent man. We are fairly close to the same age. I believe...

Letter to the editor: A solution for stagnant police salaries

To the editor:Now that both the Greenfield Police Department and the Hancock County Sheriff are again complaining about the salaries in their departments, perhaps...

Letter to the editor: Dear farmers: Please help visibility on roads

To the editor:I came from a farm family with deep roots in the county. I have a lot of respect for farmers. They face...

Letter to editor: Chickens have no place in the city limits

To the editor:Please, please no chickens in Greenfield ("Resident petitions council to keep chickens," Aug. 26, Page A1).I pay a lot higher property taxes...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Beating COVID-19: All it takes are small sacrifices

To the editor:To get the comfortable life that we lead today, our ancestors had to go through incredible hardships that we cannot imagine. The...

Letter to the editor: Mass-mail ballot distribution invites fraud

To the editor:The way in which mail-in voting is managed determines exactly how legitimate the results would be, and the problems arise when ballots...

Letter to the editor: Pondering the future of a hallowed motto

To the editor:This essay's antepenultimate paragraph makes a brilliant observation, namely that people caught between loving and hating the Confederate battle flag exemplify "a...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: A bold illustration of what divides us

To the editor:Re: Linda Dunn's column condemning Confederate Flag supporters on Aug.6:Apparently, we are in the presence those with mind-reading abilities. Again today, I...

Letter to the editor: Socialism’s many flaws are well-documented

To the editor:Democratic socialism? Be careful what you hope for. At its best, democratic socialism is just a different term for “creeping socialism.” The...