Letter to the editor: Choosing between democracy and socialism

To the editor:I would like to share my opinion about the election and my argument against socialism. This election is between socialism and democracy;...

Letter to the editor: Ex-Trump voter won’t be fooled again

To the editor:I voted for Donald Trump in 2016 because I wanted to clean up the swamp. Make no mistake, there was a swamp....

Letter to the editor: When communication platforms fail

On the evening of Sept. 28, 2020, both Microsoft and 911 Emergency Response Services reported massive outages in their networks. At time of initial...

Letter to the editor: Voting tips from the League of Women Voters

To the editor:The League of Women Voters Hancock County would like to remind residents how fortunate we are in this county to have a...

Letter to the editor: Democrats are trying to destroy our freedoms

To the editor:These are tough political times we are in. We are facing a tough Presidential election between two non-perfect candidates and slate of...

Letter to the editor: Hancock County voters should sit up and take notice

To the editor:I live in Cumberland, which is a pleasant community and relatively quiet on the Hancock County side. As my husband and I...

Letter to the editor: Choice in November is actually quite clear

To the editor:In this sharply divided nation, the main difference is in how the folks on each side see America. We see America as...

Letter to the editor: Major parties are betraying America

To the editor:I am walking away from the mainstream political parties, and you should, too.If this summer has taught us one thing, it is...

Letter to the editor: Honoring our Agent Orange casualties

Your ViewHonoring our Agent Orange casualtiesTo the editor:The Agent Orange battles that our Vietnam veterans are facing will continue for years to come. Although...

Letter to the editor: Why Democrats want to remove monuments

To the editor:As we get close to the 2020 election, there are things that happen that we find confusing.The specific incidents that I am...