Raises for top city officials unjustified

To the editor: On principle, I'm not in favor of granting a raise before someone's contract even begins. Yes, the mayor is...

Fire department serves community in many ways

To the editor: Our Buck Creek Township Fire Department has come to my husband’s aid ever so quickly twice since July 6...

Fairgrounds plan bad idea, too costly

To the editor: “It was never about the fairgrounds!” This is a direct quote from one of the members of the Hancock...

Conflicts of interest mark fairgrounds boosters

To the editor: Ms. Jeanne Plummer, in my opinion, was being less than forthcoming when she submitted her letter to the editor...

Efforts reduce winter disturbance of bats

To the editor: Nice informative article on bats, but I must take exception with one of the columnist's statements. Human disturbance during...

Efforts reduce winter disturbance of bats

To the editor: Nice informative article on bats, but I must take exception with one of the columnist's statements. Human disturbance during...

Ag association should split from X-Plex committee

To the editor: In an obvious change in strategy, the Hancock County Exposition Complex Corporation (HCECC) has apparently decided to let the...

Critic of raises should check facts first

To the editor: It’s somewhat surprising to me that Mike Flynn was so totally confused about the county employee raises, especially after...

Reader invited to do homework on pay raises

To the editor: In your July 23 edition, Mike Flynn wrote that the proposed 4.5 percent salary increase to Hancock County employees...

Fairgrounds discussions should more actively involve public

To the editor: Like many people, I have not yet offered a public opinion on the new fairgrounds issue. That is because...