New fairgrounds: Right idea, wrong location

Fairgrounds: Right idea, wrong location for site To the editor: As I continue to think about the idea of a...

Council shouldn’t borrow when it has money on hand

Council has money, no need to borrow To the editor: The article titled “Hearing about county loan set,” in the...

Self-proclaimed ‘word nerd’ welcomes column on langauge

Self-proclaimed ‘word nerd’ welcomes column on langauge To the editor: Jim Matthews could write a column about words every day,...

Charlottesville firefighters grateful for support

To the editor: On behalf of the members of the Charlottesville Fire Department, we would like to send our heartfelt thanks to...

Letter by councilman’s opponent was not unfair attack

To the editor: I really haven’t had a horse in the race for the south side seat of the Greenfield City Council,...

Promise to boost wages falls short of reality

To the editor: Your article, “Wage Crusade,” in your Aug. 21 edition was enlightening. Mr. Schellinger will have a hard road ahead...

Commissioners smart to halt fairgrounds lease signing without specifics

To the editor: We would like to personally thank Mark Huber and Brad Armstrong for the way they conducted the meeting Sept....

Volunteers deserving of many thanks for work

To the editor: I’ve been having some health problems and have been unable to work in my yard. To my surprise, a...

Politicos led by faith should protect environment

To the editor: For those of us in the religious community, faith and religion are huge motivators in many of our actions. ...

Council member: Salaries based on the position, not the person

Council member: Salaries based on the position, not the person To the editor: Unfortunately, my opponent for Greenfield City Council,...