‘Trimmed’ trees are mangled mess

To the editor: Has anyone else noticed the butchering of trees along our county roads? The first time I noticed it was...

Constitution must be interpreted as founders intended

To the editor: One must first learn the proper way to interpret our Constitution before advocating for gun control using executive orders,...

Support made Christmas Festival a success

To the editor: As we approach Christmas, the Board of Directors of the Riley Festival would like to thank the community for...

Money to help refugees could be spent elsewhere

To the editor: As one who believes that we will all have to answer for what we have done in this life...

Columnist amused by reader response

To the editor: It is amazing how people can read the same item and take away from it totally opposite messages. Such...

Trust in federal government falling, and with good reason

To the editor: If you have not read the Declaration of Independence, you should do so. It states all of the reasons...

Defining socialism misses the point

To the editor: As always, Mr. Adkins’ articles elicit a reaction from me, sometimes amused and other times just annoyed. It’s entertaining...

Socialism column was informative, level-headed

To the editor: The remarkable thing about Michael Adkins' column on the opinion page of Tuesday's Daily Reporter is how free of...

Local official responds to project naysayers

To the editor: This is in response to George Langston’s letter to the editor on Nov. 5. There is a...

Local official responds to project naysayers

To the editor: Once again, John Priore lets his anti-growth agenda fill an editorial with false statements and accusations at myself and...