Carrier Corp. made smart business choice

To the editor: In response to the article of March 1, "Carrier Corp. going where labor is cheap," Carrier's decision to close...

Incumbents have councilman’s support

To the editor: Kent Fisk and Debbie Bledsoe are currently serving as members of the Hancock County Council. Having served alongside them...

Food tax bill too broad in scope

To the editor: None of us who spoke in opposition to House Bill 1096 are against a new traditional fairground with an...

Disagreement over priorities is root cause of road issues

To the editor: In responding to my claims that the county has been and is "overtaxing and maintaining excessive cash balances," Councilman...

Program organizers thankful for community support

To the editor: On June 30, 2015, a group of Hancock County citizens came together to work with the Hancock County Community...

County reserves too high for taxpayers

County reserves too high for taxpayers To the editor: Recent letters to the editor by John Priore and Jim Shelby...

Extending protections to LGBT community an obvious choice

To the editor: Your recent editorial ("State needs update to civil rights laws," Jan. 23, A6) was spot-on. Our Legislature has other...

House Bill 1096 language overreaching, deceptive

House Bill 1096 language is deceptive To the editor: House Bill 1096 authored and recently introduced by State Rep. Bob...

Scouting Sunday honors longtime tradition

To the editor: Hello, my name is Chance Middleton. I am part of Boy Scout Troop 244. My troop meets at the...

Fairgrounds committee presents conflict of interest

To the editor: The 2016 primaries should be a long overdue referendum on the county discontinuing its drawn-out and purposeless negotiations with...