Scholarships available if someone will apply

Your View Scholarships keep going unclaimed To the editor: For the past two years the Hancock County Master...

EPA plan is trojan horse for military, small business

To the editor: We should never accept a time where we have to compromise safety and economic security for ideological purposes --...

Ag community relieving burden on your taxes

In response to the letter by Carolyn Flynn of June 25, 2016: I cannot speak to all the issues she brings up...

Missed the citizen’s academy? You missed out.

To the editor: Thank you to the Hancock County Sheriff's Department for the citizens academy. Sheriff Mike Shepherd offers this program for...

Flynn’s comments right on the money

To the editor: Regarding Your View in the Reporter ("Treasury shouldn't serve as piggy bank," June 25-26, A4), this lady Carolyn Flynn from Cumberland needs...

Firefighters deserve praise for service

To the editor:  I would like to thank both Keith and Woody from the Greenfield Fire Department. They came to my home and installed batteries...

Ask legislators to back maternal/child health bill

To the editor: This week dedicated volunteer advocates from RESULTS Indiana flew to Washington, D.C., to talk to Congress about saving the...

Letter: Council should let veteran keep her chickens

To the editor: I have a message for the Shirley Town Council: Let Christylee Vickers keep her birds. I mean, if it’s...

Community deserves decent fairgrounds

To the editor: Again, another county fair where weather affected events. Rain delayed the style show on Sunday evening. Rain...

Fairgrounds future comes down to one meeting

To the editor: The commissioners and council will sit down with 4-H Ag Association on Tuesday at 7 p.m. at Ricks theatre,...