Letter: Let’s appreciate restaurant service

To the editor: I would like to address all people who go out to have a nice meal at times. Have a little patience with...

Letter: Bicycle tax could pay for lanes

To the editor: I read with much sorrow the article on the latest bike accident, and I believe something does need to be done. With...

Trees gone so storage building can come

To the editor: In 1994 my husband and I set out to build a new home. We bought a lot in Twin...

High school Rover team grateful

Dear Greenfield Community: The Greenfield-Central Rover Team would like to thank all the citizens who came to our Lunch and Learn event...

What’s correct practice for cyclists?

To the editor: Regarding the article in Wednesday's paper ("Pedaling with Purpose," Aug. 3, A1) about sharing the road with cyclists, I...

Eastern 3 townships should receive public safety funds

To the editor: In 2016 almost $250,000 in Local Option Income Taxes (LOIT) was collected from the eastern third of the county...

Practicing mindfulness would help us slow down

Letter Practicing mindfulness would help us slow down To the editor: I read with interest the columns by...

Councilman Roney seems to miss the point

Councilman Roney missing the point To the editor: Councilman Roney seems to have missed the entire point of Carolyn Flynn’s...

FFA officers set good example

To the editor: The article "True Leader" (July 13, A4) and the picture of the Hancock County FFA officer team was a...

Imagination Library helps early literacy

To the Editor: Since November 2015, our county has contributed over $500,000 toward the $2 million Hancock County Community Foundation’s Imagination Library endowment fund. This money...