Farms were here first

To the editor: In response to Donna Steele's opinion piece (“Your property rights are in small print," Oct. 11, A4), how is...

Coverage of coach was unfair

To the editor: I hope today ("Former coach pleads guilty," Oct. 18, B2) is the last time you feel the need to...

Letter: Deal should be in place before money is committed to project

To the editor: It is unconscionable that the Hancock County 4-H Agricultural Association dreamed that county commissioners would grant them a virtually free lease on...

Letter: Bad politicians are elected by good people who don’t vote

To the editor: The upcoming presidential election could change the course of our country. Registrations for the 2012 election were 25 percent of the population. More...

Vote for the lesser of two evils

To the editor: After reading Mr. Adkins' article ("Some Trump supporters motivated by anger," Oct. 4, A4), you would have to assume that only GOP...

Letter: Rezoning around Twin Oaks needs to stop, quiet returned

To the editor: Please save Twin Oaks! My husband and I moved to Greenfield 15 years ago to be closer to our daughter and her family....

Letter: In the past, those who lied and covered were punished

To the editor: I could never imagine the fiasco of our current presidential election. I am extremely disappointed we do not have better choices. I...

Letter: Officials deserve thanks for road repairs

To the editor: Just wanting the County Commissioners, Highway Supervisor and especially all the people doing the actual labor to know how great of a...

Letter: Athletes should find new way to protest

To the editor: I've noticed a ground-swell of professional athletes taking the knee during the national anthem, and that strikes a bad chord with me,...

Award-winning school should move forward with remodeling project

Award-winning school should move forward with remodeling To the editor: Mt. Vernon School Board recently approved a proposed middle school...