Letter: Hancock County no place to go hunting

To the editor: Brandon Butler's hunting articles in the Greenfield Daily Reporter are not appropriate for our county. The days of bountiful game animals have...

Thanks to first responders, local hospital

To the editor: I would just like to take a few minutes to reflect on two institutions in Greenfield that I have had occasion to...

Community Foundation makes Hancock County a better place

To the editor: While philanthropy is our business each and every day, we like to draw special attention to charitable giving during...

High school veterans tribute was appreciated

To the editor: A sincere thank you to Greenfield-Central High School for the beautiful tribute they presented to the military veterans on Veterans Day. I'm...

Letter: Columnist defends stance on farming

Columnist defends stance on farming To the editor: As Americans we have certain inalienable rights. These are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. When a...

Letter: Extension Homemakers grateful for help

To the editor: Hancock County Extension Homemakers wishes to thank the following people who contributed to the success and pleasure of the 2016 Riley Festival...

Letter: Amendment for right to hunt in Indiana has hidden problems

To the editor: At the top of this year’s ballot, there is a proposed constitutional amendment establishing the right to hunt, fish and trap wildlife...


To the editor: I am sorry, but the more and more I read and study the below ballot initiative, the more I...

Letter: Family farms feed the world, not just Hancock County

To the editor: Regarding the Hancock County property rights column in the Opinion section of the Greenfield Daily Reporter ("Your property rights are in small...

Letter: Library distances itself from program with disclaimer

To the editor: I noticed that the article in the Weekend Reporter ("Group: Gender not just either, or," Oct. 8, A1) announcing the upcoming program...