Generosity column was uplifting

To the editor: Just needed to tell you how much I enjoyed Donna Steele's column ("Let generosity continue beyond 12 days," Dec....

Electoral College was founding fathers’ plan

To the editor: There have been several complaints about Trump winning the election based on the fact (?) that Hillary won the popular vote but...

Liberal mindset, obvious in letter, creating divisions

To the editor: Well, that was quite a tantrum (Ian Hutchinson, liberal coastal elite). I’ve heard some good ones since the election, but this letter...

Act of kindness by store employee didn’t go unnoticed

To the editor: With all the horrific news reported daily, I want to share something personal to me — a really nice story that will...

VFW offers thanks for donations of clothes

To the editor: On behalf of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary Post #2693, we would like to thank everyone...

Letter: Seek out what draws us together

To the editor: The letter from Ian Hutchinson ("We look outside our bubble to understand," Dec. 8, A6) displayed the balanced approach we must take...

Letter: Organizers grateful for festival support

To the editor: The Greenfield Christmas Festival would like to thank everyone who came out in support of the festival. We would also like to...

Parody interview belies superior attitude

To the editor: Donna Steele’s parody “If we selected a high school principal the way we select a president,” ("Checks and balances,"...

We must break out of the bubble to understand

To the editor: I’m the liberal coastal elite you rail against. I grew up on County Road 200S in a...

Letter: Post-election holiday is time to move forward

To the editor: With the 2016 election behind us, I hope as we head into Thanksgiving and the holidays that Hoosier families can focus on...