Letter: General Assembly has failed Indiana

To the editor: The state legislature is owned and paid for by the special interests and the lobbyists and has been for decades. The only...

Letter: Story on March of Women degrading to conservatives

To the editor: The article about the march on Washington, D.C. ("Raising her Voice," Jan. 28, A1), disturbs me, so I am voicing my opinion....

Letter: Getting tobacco products still too easy for Hoosier children

To the editor: It concerns me as a parent that so many kids still have easy access to tobacco. It’s no surprise since cigarettes are...

Letter: Hunting contests damage ecosystem

To the editor: A local gun store recently held a coyote hunting tournament in which 37 coyotes were killed over three counties. Organizers claimed that...

Letter: Tax money spent on early childhood programs is good investment

To the editor: Micah Clark (“More Than Just Wishful Thinking,” Jan. 28, A4) would have Hoosiers believe that spending taxpayer money on young children is...

Letter: Reader questions reasons behind coyote hunt

To the editor: In response to the recent coyote hunting tournament around Greenfield, most animals are considered nuisance animals in the eyes of agrarian society....

Reader appreciates recognition of Thornwood Preserve

To the editor: The article "Getting to know Thornwood: from roots to canopy" by Joe Whitfield (Jan. 20, A4) was excellent. Thornwood Preserve is a...

Women’s march backfired — on women

Your views Women’s March backfired on women To the editor: In response to The Associated Press story (“Sexist,...

Women’s march backfired — on women

Your views Women’s March backfired on women To the editor: In response to The Associated Press story (“Sexist,...

Repeal of Affordable Care Act will have life-and-death consequences

To the Editor: The Op-Ed, "Is it That Bad" by Trudy Lieberman (Jan. 12, A6) used an example of someone on Obamacare...