Letter: Legislation needed to support solar, wind power initiatives

To the editor: Now that committees in both the Indiana House and Senate have had a chance to hold public hearings on proposed changes to...

Letter: Congress needs to pay for its own health care

To the editor: The only way we will ever get cheap health insurance and health care is for this to happen. We need a constitutional...

Letter: Community outpouring offers support in time of grief

To the editor: This past week our community has been stricken by a tragedy, the unexpected death of our beloved daughter, Abby Rejer. I know...

Civil forfeiture laws need reform

To the editor: When discussing civil forfeiture, legislators echo the refrain that this is a complicated issue and we need the summer...

Library fund should be for more than buildings

To the editor: I think it would be tragic to spend the donated library money only on buildings. The library has so...

“Bless the world” is not offensive

To the editor: Can you imagine Jesus crying? He has to be hurt when He sees our world, our town rejecting anything...

Phones take too much of our time

To the editor: I am writing with regard to your recent column in the Greenfield paper ("Put down phone, stop and smell...

Letter: Press furthers liberal agenda

To the editor: Regarding the news media's watchdog role, the "free and unfettered" press referred to in Mr. Massa's column ("Media's watchdog role more important...

Letter: Hunting qualifies as an unnecessary sport

To the editor: No offense, but there is really not that much difference between hunters and poachers. One pays a minimal fee, and the other...

Letter: Losing party must accept outcome

To the editor: At what point is it no longer an attack on the opposing political party but an attack on the very foundation of...