Columnist got it right when it comes to Charlottesville

To the editor: Michael Adkins ("A Low Point," Sept. 2, A4) said it better than I've ever heard it said -- those...

Indiana farmers need your support

To the editor: I remember the energy crisis in the 1970s. It was a tremendous shock as gasoline prices spiked, and Americans...

Representatives should heed following constitutional contract

Leaders should heed constitutional contract To the editor: Republican Indiana District 6 Congressman Luke Messer has recently announced that he...

Letter: Input at government meetings guaranteed by federal and state constitutions

To the editor: A guaranteed right to speak at government meetings is established in the U.S. Constitution's First Amendment as the right of the people...

Letter: Care more for our public landscapes

To the editor: The side ditches in our county look horrible due to needing to be mowed. The homeowners, for the most part, keep the...

Letter: Care more for our public landscapes

To the editor: The side ditches in our county look horrible due to needing to be mowed. The homeowners, for the most part, keep the...

Letter: Reader questions outdoorsman columnist’s conservation views

To the editor: Brandon Butler, our weekly newspaper columnist and expert guide to all aspects of hunting and fishing, claims to be a conservationist. What is...

Letter: Ethanol production has untold consequences

To the editor: The goals of the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) are well-meaning, and so are the farmers involved in producing corn-based ethanol. But the damage...

Letter: Golf cart usage has practical parameters

To the editor: Thanks to Stephanie Haines for submitting your piece on golf carts ("Road Legal," July 27, A8.) Your described parameters are exactly what...

Letter: Rural drivers urged to be cautious

Editor's note: Local Farmer Ronnie Mohr coincidentally sent this note to the Daily Reporter a few hours before his brother, Joe Mohr, also a...