Letter: Annual time change costs Hoosiers millions of dollars

To the editor: Just as signs of spring were arriving and morning sunlight was greeting us once more, on March 11, Hoosiers living in Indiana's...

Letter: Inspiration comes from new ideas, caring for fellow man

To the editor: Today I am inspired. In a day when politics and our national zeitgeist is reeling from school shootings, partisan news, in-your-face politics...

Letter: Wildlife deserves more protection, not more hunting

To the editor: The hunting/fishing columnist in our newspaper belongs to a group that promotes all forms of hunting. I believe in the wise use...

Student journalists have 1st amendment rights, too

To the editor: A free and independent press is the most important pillar in preserving the American republic. That has been understood since the nation’s...

Letter: Military service worth the price

To the editor: Regarding the military comments made by Mr. Jim Matthews in his most recent op-ed (“Is it worth health risk to play football,...

Letter: Stranger’s kindness made diner’s day

To the editor: On Christmas Day, I sat in Steak n’ Shake eating dinner alone. I got to talking with another woman who also was...

Letter: Better to close school, play it safe

To the editor: Three of the Hancock County school corporations decided to have schools close recently due to slick road conditions (especially county roads) after...

Conservation is for the animals, not the hunters

To the editor: I would like to see more conservation come to Hancock County but without all the sport hunting that sometimes comes along with...

Letter: God’s Open Arms thanks community for event success

To the editor: On December 24, God’s Open Arms Ministry and the Kenneth Butler Memorial Soup Kitchen partnered together to host the fourth annual “Day...

Letter: With Marsh closed, city could use conventional grocery

To the editor: Regarding discussion on what to do with the closed Marsh grocery store ("Repurposed building could solve problem," Jan. 4, A6), we might...