Hancock County Council president endorses candidate

To the editor: Election time is here, and there are many choices to make. One very important choice is County Council District 3 that Jim...

Immigrants and illegal aliens are not the same thing

To the editor: Mr. Krull’s article ("Shaking a fist at the American dream," April 3, A4) is an uninformed political statement on the immigration situation,...

Attacks on assessor’s office unwarranted

To the editor: While I am not running again for Hancock County Assessor, I do want to respond to some unnecessary and misleading attacks on...

Letter: Vote no on jail referendum, make others pay their share

To the editor: We need a new or expanded jail, but you should vote NO for the county jail referendum! You know why? Because you...

Protesting alone won’t change the laws

To the editor: This is to the young protesters who are protesting gun control. There is only one way to get laws changed. This is...

Arming teachers involves serious training

To the editor: Mr. Arthur Greenman’s Letter to the Editor (“Armed teachers increase the feeling of safety in schools,” March 24, A4) left me shaking...

Veteran thanks stranger for act of kindness

To the editor: My name is Larry Southgate, and I live in Greenfield. Two Sundays ago, I went to Walmart to buy groceries. I was...

Letter: Varying opinions deserve respect

To the editor: “Who gives a crap? They don't even know what they're protesting.” “Little puppets.” “ something other than walking out of class.” “Hitler also used indoctrinated...

Letter: Terrorizing animals for fun is just wrong

To the editor: I read about the muskie fishing in the paper last week. I haven't gone fishing since I was a kid, and it...

Letter: Armed teachers increase the feeling of safety in schools

To the editor: Another Viewpoint ("Teachers carrying guns will backfire," March 6, A4) has prompted me to write the following: Your viewpoint sounds like an...