Traffic issues in Greenfield are correctable

To the editor: I have a few issue regarding traffic and parking regulations in Greenfield. Limiting of parking in downtown to two hours is enforced on...

A tax increase might speed up pothole repair

To the editor: There have been many reports about the poor condition of Indianapolis roads now that winter is finally wrapping up. However, it's not...

New jail should be paid for with local income tax

To the editor: Through my involvement with Hancock County Farm Bureau Inc. and Indiana Farm Bureau, I have spent a lot of time talking about...

Judge Sirk supported by many in law enforcement

To the editor: This letter is in support of electing Judge Scott Sirk as the Hancock County Circuit Court Judge.  Initially, Judge Scott Sirk was the...

Judge Sirk earns respect of retired sheriff’s department detective

To the editor: I am supporting Judge Scott Sirk for Circuit Court in the May primary. I have known Scott since he came to town...

Henry County auditor endorses Carnes

To the editor: I want to go on record as endorsing Debra Carnes for Hancock County Auditor. As a past Henry County auditor and current...

Recorder’s office efficiency has increased

To the editor: This letter is in reference to the comment from one of the candidates for recorder for the 2018 primary election. Ms. Moore...

Vote yes on jail referendum and split the cost

To the editor: Mr. Borowicz asks everyone to vote no for the country jail referendum ("Vote no on jail referendum, make others pay their share,"...

Sheriff candidate should use common-sense resources

To the editor: After attending the recent sheriff debate for Hancock County, I feel compelled to share something that is very unsettling to me. The...

Input from sheriff candidates helps to decide jail vote

To the editor: I was uncertain as to whether to vote in favor of the proposed $55 million new jail complex, and I know others...