College students should be exempt from jury duty

To the editor: My son is 18 years old and was selected for jury duty. We have both contacted the courts to let them know...

Candidate for congress supports term limits

To the editor: The goal of our U.S. Congress is popular representation. Congress should be a body comprised of everyday Americans who take a few...

A change in system may help overcrowding

To the editor: I have been thinking about the over-crowding of our county jail. Maybe changing the law to allow bail bondsman to operate it would...

Reader questions the definition of asylum

To the editor: A congressional committee just voted to expand the definition of asylum to include refuge from crime or gang violence. Some guy named...

Jail plan too costly

To the editor: It may be time to drain the swamp locally so the powers that be get their $55 million jail project voted down....

Drivers need to use caution at Gem Road light

To the editor: Daily I see drivers trying to turn left from Gem Road onto U.S. Highway 40. Nearly 40 percent of the drivers advance...

Democrats on the wrong side of issues

To the editor: The liberal writer regularly featured in the Reporter may have forgotten that every other country has secure borders, not wide-open let-anyone-in idiocy...

Fireworks excessive around holiday

your views Fireworks excessive around Fourth of July holiday To the editor: As I sit here this July 4 evening listening to the various bursts of fireworks...

Focus on conservation, not consumption

We should focus on conservation To the editor: Do we need bowfishing articles in our sport pages? Is this a practical method of controlling invasive species,...

Legislators must make Alzheimer’s research a priority

To the editor: This year, one in three seniors will die with Alzheimer’s disease. It is the costliest disease and the only leading cause of...