LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Full-capacity staffing at jail not yet necessary

To the editor:In the matter of the new jail staffing needs, it seems like projects such as these are always presented as worst-case scenarios,...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Sheriff’s staffing plan is financially unworkable

To the editor:Many of you attending the recent public hearing on the proposed new jail worried about a tax increase to build it. But...

Wall will prevent influx of drugs and disease

Your viewProtecting the border with wall will prevent influx of drugs and diseaseTo the editor:The recent writer who compares the Maginot Line, a “wall”...

Letter to the editor: At Feb. 7 hearing on jail tax, let your voice...

To the editor:There is to be a public hearing concerning the increase of the local income tax to fund the jail at 7 p.m. ...

Letter to the editor: Thanks to generous donors, Gift Lift was a success

To the editor:Mental Health Partners of Hancock County would like to thank each and every person who helped by donating to Gift Lift. Whether...

Letter to the editor: Could bail reform ease jail overcrowding?

To the editor:have been reading with interest about the controversial plans to build a new jail for Hancock County. It seems obvious that a...

Letter to the editor: On jail, cost-cutting shouldn’t become corner-cutting

I have just read the online edition of the article about a new county jail. ("The new price: $35 million," Page A1, Jan. 17.)...

Letter to the editor: 2020 ballot should contain questions for voters

To the editor: Voters, if you agree with what I am saying, then see that this goes to all news stations or anyone. These five questions...

Letter to the editor: Alzheimer’s must be a public health priority

Alzheimer’s must be a public health priorityTo the editor:Congress just passed the Building Our Largest Dementia (BOLD) Infrastructure for Alzheimer’s Act with a strong...

Letter to the editor: Federal employees have been misrepresented

To the editor:I’m writing because I am a retired federal civilian employee who worked through the Clinton era shutdown as an “essential employee.” My...