Letter to the editor: Eliminate taxes on women’s hygiene products

To the EditorMary Beth Schneider wrote a column printed in the Daily Reporter on April 18, 2019. ("In this world, women are born to...

Letter to the editor: Familiar names, no new thinking

To the editor:In the upcoming primary, the ballot has very few choices with most the same old candidates, a not-so-subtle move of musical chairs...

Letter to the editor: Fallible ministers need parishioners’ support

Fallible ministers need parishioners’ supportThe the editor:First, thank you for printing this column. (“Making of the amazing priest,” March 26, Page A4.) It may...

Letter to the editor: Private schools are a better investment

The article regarding loss of funding for public schools to subsidize parochial schools might well have been written by the teachers' union, as it...

Letter to the editor: Math on jail funding doesn’t add up

To the editor:The Hancock County Council and commissioners are just testing us to see if we are paying attention to their financing of the...

Letter to the editor: Where will the money come from?

To the editor:In a letter to the editor, Hancock County Council member Martha Vail tried to assure us that the council will come up...

Letter to the editor: Explanation needed on crime stats

To the editor:Your story on the rising population in the Hancock County Jail ("Startling numbers," Feb. 27, Page A1) was very revealing. Just as...

Letter to the editor: Jail won’t be built without funding for staff

To the editor:I would like to respond to the letter to editor written by Grant Cripe on Feb. 28 ("New jail operation leaves questions,"...

Letter to the editor: Money to build jail but none to run it

To the editor:I see that the Hancock County Council and County Commissioners are going to use all available money to build a $43 million...

Letter to the editor: Political parties are a distinction without a difference

To the editor:I appreciate Michael Adkins' views on changes in the relationship the Democratic and Republican parties have with the American people. ("Polls show...