LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Debate question on health care was non-sensical

To the editor:During the recent democratic presidential debate, candidates were asked if their health care plan would cover undocumented immigrants. This is one of...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: The goodness of America

To the editor:I have always loved the Fourth of July. It is a quintessential American holiday that has something for everyone, from picnics to...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: If only we would listen to each other

Seeking an end to the ‘flame war’ on abortionTo the editor:In my 30-plus years in the information technology field and personal experience in numerous...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Pendleton clean-up efforts were inspiring

Pendleton clean-up efforts were inspiringIn the aftermath of the tornado that hit Pendleton, everyone observed residents, businesses and town employees digging in for the...

Letter to the editor: Siren placement overlooks Mohawk

To the editor: I have to commend the Vernon Township trustee for having the foresight several years ago to saturate the township with tornado sirens,...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: High school athletes should consider sports broadcasting

To the editor:This isn’t something you necessarily dream about doing when you’re a little kid. More than likely, as a little kid, you would...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: County’s priorities are misplaced

As I drive home on the recently chip-sealed Hancock County road, I cannot help to think that we have our priorities misaligned. The new...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Lawmakers turn their backs on public schools

To the editor:I am writing in response to the Daily Reporter’s recent article regarding Greenfield teachers and school funding (“Greenfield Teachers March for Better...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Thanks to a stranger

To the editor:Thank you to the lady who found my car in the Wal-Mart parking lot on a recent Wednesday: Sorry I didn’t get...

Letters to the editor about election accepted until May 1

Election letters accepted until May 1Letters to the editor about the May 7 election will be accepted until next Wednesday, May 1, for inclusion...