Letter to the editor: Nothing worth having is free

To the editor:Bernie Sanders wants to take the money away from rich people and give it to the poor and middle class. Bernie is...

Letter to the editor: The ill-advised U.S. 40 road ‘diet’ should end

To the editor:Ladies and gentlemen of Greenfield, are you experiencing and benefiting from our road diet that was installed on the west side of...

Letter to the editor: Privileged to call Nick Gulling a friend

To the editor:I just finished reading the excellent coverage of Nick Gulling's life and careers ("Late sheriff remembered for a half-century of dedication to...

Letter to the editor: No one is speaking up for regular people

To the editor:As a citizen and voter of Hancock County, a 63-years-young female on Social Security Disability, living in government-subsidized housing on Medicare/Medicaid, I...

Letter to the editor: Lock ’em up: A solution to gun violence

To the editor:We have all heard and seen gun violence on TV. It’s a problem across our country. However, the majority of our citizens...

Hospital should not be in development business

To the editor:I have been reading the Daily Reporter stories and the letters to the editor on the $30 million to be spent by...

Letter to the editor: County is better off since Trump was elected

In reference to Michael Adkins column, "No, we are definitely not better off now" (Feb. 4, Page A4):In 2013 under President Barack Obama, there...

Letter to the editor: Wanted: Diligent candidates to run for office

The the editor:I entered the race for Hancock County Council at-large in 2016 and was honored to be elected to that post. I have...

Letter to the editor: Hancock Health taking risks with development

To the editor:A story in your Jan. 24 issue ("Gateway project gets and assist," Page A1) reports that Hancock Regional Hospital (and NineStar Connect)...

Letter to the editor: Logging will harm Hoosier National Forest

To the editor:This letter is to raise awareness of a plan by the U.S. Forest Service to log 4,375 acres; repeatedly burn 13,500 acres;...