Letter to the editor: Trump will lead us through

To the editor:I don't know where you are getting your secondhand information (Michael Adkins' column: "Feds' response has been disastrous," April 14, page A4),...

Letter to the editor: New Pal council is mistreating clerk-treasurer

To the editor:I am quite disturbed about the recent articles in the Daily Reporter concerning the conduct of the New Palestine Town Council!I have...

Letter to the editor: Be informed before you fill out your ballot

To the editor:The League of Women Voters Hancock County regrets that we will be unable to offer local forums and debates before the upcoming...

Letter to the editor: Pandemic makes it a good time to quit smoking

To the editor:Today, the coronavirus pandemic is affecting every aspect of our lives, and now is a crucial time to try and practice healthy...

Letter to the editor: More cooking means more threats of fires

To the editor:Life in quarantine has forced all of us to take on new roles and responsibilities we never expected. Teacher, nurse, repair person,...

Letter to the editor: We can only overcome crisis if we are united

To the editor:Upon reading the edition of Thursday, April 2, I felt the cartoon on Page A4 was totally unpatriotic. We are in a...

Letter to the editor: Column struck on chord on notion of inclusion

To the editor:I am writing about the Hope for Living column in the March 21-23, 2020, edition of the Daily Reporter. Titled "God weaves...

Letter to the editor: Political yard signs should be removed

To the editor:The election is not until June 2, but I am already seeing several political signs in yards. I do not want to...

Letter to the editor: Help local business by thanking first responders

To the editor:We are in the midst of a very real medical situation. I have been thinking.The average American eats out four times a...

Letter to the editor: County has fumbled solution for space needs

To the editor:The county commissioners and county council have known for a very long time that, along with having to build a new jail,...