Letter to the editor: Democrats are trying smear Curtis Hill

To the editor:(In reference to the editorial about the Indiana attorney general ("Curtis Hill should do the right thing and resign," May 26, Page...

Letter to the editor: We must fight for our freedom or lose it

To the editor:The Democrat/socialist agenda in America has reached a point now that enough gullible people have fallen for it, that the country is...

Letter to the editor: TV series illustrates plight of big cats

To the editor:If you’re one of the many staying home and watching an extensive amount of television during quarantine, you have probably spent hours...

Letter to the editor: Senate candidate has shown leadership

To the editor:What does it take to be an effective representative and a strong leader?Personally, I am looking for someone that is an advocate...

Letter to the editor: ‘No Menthol Sunday’ focuses on flavored cigarettes

To the editor: “No Menthol Sunday” is an annual observance to help people escape the devastating impact of tobacco use, particularly menthol cigarettes. In 2020,...

Letter to the editor: Column remindful of the dilemmas we face

To the editor: Donna Steele's column ("A COVID-19 tale of 2 sisters", April 30) was a tale I believe could be told over and again...

Letter to the editor: Postal service provides a vital function

To the editor:I am responding to the Los Angeles Times editorial, "Postal Service made for times like these," that appeared in the April 23,...

Letter to the editor: Postal service’s essential workers deserve stimulus

The the editor:Mr. President, your recent comments regarding the United States Postal Service illustrate just exactly how much you do not know even about...

Letter to the editor: Wanted: A candidate with real-world skills

To the editor:America must elect political candidates with real-world leadership and problem-solving skills.The political landscape in America must undergo a monumental shift in political...

Letter to the editor: State must prioritize high-speed internet service

To the editor:As I write this letter, my son tells me about tectonic plates and how they move underneath us. YouTube videos are a...