School briefs


Students to perform “Christmas at the Movies”

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Eastern Hancock fifth graders were inspired earlier this month by guest speaker Kevin Honeycutt to build a replica Colonial village out of boxes.

Community briefs


EH hall of fame nominations open

The Bulletin for Dec. 9


‘Christmas Carol’ adaptation takes stage

Hope for Living: Matted cats, the human condition and approaching God


I am an ailurophile. Look it up. I prefer cats to dogs, although we have almost as many of those as we do cats at our house.

Church notes for Dec. 9


Services take place Sunday unless otherwise noted.

Givers choose from online lists to help ministries


Mike Wilkins has contemplated how to buy board games in bulk.

Take your best shot


Local members from the Central Indiana Woodworkers Association recently rewarded students with handmade toys and puzzles. Harris Elementary School celebrated several students for their hard work with a visit from the woodworkers and toys to take home.

Music for the mind: New HCPL program encourages singing, dancing for toddlers


GREENFIELD – Three-year-old twins Owynn and Weston Armstrong and little sis Callan swayed to the song and gleefully reached for bubbles in a new class offered at the Hancock County Public Library.

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Lisa Guckelberg taught a winter watercolor class recently at the Greenfield location of the Hancock County Public Library.