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Margie Clark shared this photo of Lauren Elsbury, who passed out kindness hearts to nursing home residents. Connected with Hancock County Extension Homemakers, she is spreading the “cultivate kindness” theme and also participated in a blanket workshop to support the Indiana Donor Network. Clark wanted to thank Steve and Nancy Elsbury for helping Lauren show compassion and kindness to others.

Hope for Living: Greatest gift was wrapped — in swaddling clothes


Christmas brings warm feelings and fond memories. We see the excitement of a child opening gifts in the secular world, and the solemn singing of “Silent Night” at a church service in the Christian world. Sometimes it seems hard to fully bring both worlds together.

Christmas Services


Christmas Eve is on a Sunday this year, so local churches will have services Sunday morning, as they typically do. Those service times can be found in Church Notes. Some churches will also have Christmas services in other time slots and/or days, such as the services listed below. A number of them can also be viewed online, such as via the church’s website or Facebook page.

Church notes for Dec. 23


Services take place Sunday unless otherwise noted.

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Gwen Betor stands in the James Whitcomb Riley Boyhood Home at a recent holiday open house and shares what an 1863 Christmas Dinner menu in the Riley Home could have looked like: potato soup, roasted turkey, sage bread stuffing, sauerkraut, dried apple compote, beets, sweet potato, hot cornbread, Christmas plum pudding, sugar cookies, hot coffee and apple cider.

Church giving trees help mobilize the generous


They’re more than decoration.

Setting the scene: Brookville Road stages Live Nativity


NEW PALESTINE — Brookville Road Community Church offered a Live Nativity on Dec. 15. Visitors could see a manger scene outside with live animals. “I can’t believe I got to meet them,” one young visitor said as she walked away from the scene fefaturing “Mary and Joseph” and walked toward the church building. Inside, there were cookies, hot chocolate, Christmas crafts, carols and games.

The night before Christmas: Traditions bring family together time


Editor’s note: How do local families spend the magical night before Christmas? The Daily Reporter asked on social media. The Greenfield, IN Moms Facebook page has more than 5,000 followers, mostly Hancock County parents who share advice and support in the community.

Doggone good Christmas: Readers share holiday photos of furry friends


Editor’s note: The Daily Reporter will feature pets of local readers occasionally, along with stories of the special bond they have with their families. Here, we see holiday photos of furry friends. To submit a photo of your family or farm favorite, email [email protected] and include your name, the name of your pet and a short description of what makes your pet special to you. Please include “Pets Page” in the subject line of the email.

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Greenfield Parks and Recreation staff pose for a photo at last week’s Pennsy Trail of Lights event. The Depot Street Park event included cookie decorating, bonfires, visits with Santa and hay rides along the Pennsy Trail and the downtown district.