Back when: Sept. 4-10


Sept. 4

Happy harvesting: Local ag groups to host contests, events this month


Editor’s note: With fall just around the corner, local groups related to farming and home economics in Hancock County are hosting events across the community. Here’s a roundup of agricultural-related events on the horizon. To share news in a future listing, email [email protected].

Take your best shot


Joel Shores of Greenfield recently shared this photo; his work can be found on Alpha Sports Photography on all social media outlets. The Daily Reporter frequently features photos of the local community, taken by members of our community. Take your best shot and email a picture to [email protected] with information about the photo.

Lawmakers seek legislative interns


INDIANAPOLIS — Applications to intern with Indiana House Republicans for the 2025 legislative session are now open, according to area lawmakers.

Wolfsie: Now I’m aering grievances


I have never aerated my lawn. I wasn’t familiar with the need for this procedure until I started getting emails from my lawn service. Basically, they said I needed to put holes in my lawn to stimulate growth. If holes are so good for your lawn, why did they charge me $129.95 in June to eliminate grubs and moles? I thought they were already doing a great job.

Creative cooks: Lunch ladies pick up paintbrushes for professional development


CHARLOTTESVILLE — Eastern Hancock Elementary’s lunch staff painted coworkers this week in a creative professional development time.

Take your best shot


King George, Squire Redick and dog Rosie made appearances last week at Eastern Hancock kindergarten classrooms. Superintendent George Philhower and Marcus Redick, director of grants and data, give each child a chance to say the royal pledge and get crowned into the EH Royals family. Earlier in the week, students visited the central office. “It was a day of smiles, laughter and unforgettable memories,” the school’s social media site stated. “We’re thrilled to have our new Royals officially crowned and ready to reign over their kindergarten kingdom!” The Daily Reporter frequently features photos of the local community, taken by members of our community. Take your best shot and email a picture to [email protected] with information about the photo.

School briefs


Foundation seeks wish granters

Borgman: Politics is going potty-mouth, I swear


It may be time to bring back the “cuss box” parents sometimes kept on kitchen tables or countertops. Kids had to deposit a coin every time they said a bad or ugly word. The present crop of candidates running for president and vice-president could fine themselves and fund their own campaigns.

Hope for Living: Consider joy’s depth, freedom


If you’ve seen the movies Inside Out and Inside Out 2 (if you haven’t, go for it, you’ll be glad you did — but be ready for tears!), you already know the importance of one of its central characters: Joy.