Private lunar lander is closing in on the first US touchdown on the moon...

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) — A private lunar lander circled the moon while aiming for a touchdown Thursday that would put the U.S. back...

California’s rainy season is here. What does it mean for water supply?

LOS ANGELES (AP) — After a dry start to winter, California's rainy season is finally well under way.December downpours sent water racing through streets...

China plans to send San Diego Zoo more pandas this year, reigniting its panda...

SAN DIEGO (AP) — China plans to send a new pair of giant pandas to the San Diego Zoo, renewing its longstanding gesture of...

Old European satellite plunges harmlessly through the atmosphere over the Pacific

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) — An old Earth-observing satellite fell out of orbit Wednesday and harmlessly broke apart over the Pacific.The European Remote Sensing...

How do whales sing? Scientists point to a specialized voice box that other animals...

LONDON (AP) — Whales sing loud enough that their songs travel through the ocean, but knowing the mechanics behind that has been a mystery.Scientists...

Private US spacecraft enters orbit around the moon ahead of landing attempt

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) — A private U.S. lunar lander reached the moon and eased into a low orbit Wednesday, a day before it...

To keep whales safe, Coast Guard launches boat alert system in Seattle

SEATTLE (AP) — Photographer Matt McDonald had lived on Puget Sound for years, but had never seen a whale, so he was elated when...

NASA’s final tally shows spacecraft returned double the amount of asteroid rubble

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) — NASA finally has counted up all the asteroid samples returned by a spacecraft last fall — and it’s double...

11 cold-stunned sea turtles returned to Atlantic after rehabilitation in Florida

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) — Workers from Clearwater Marine Aquarium in Florida have released 11 cold-stunned Kemp’s ridley sea turtles back into the Atlantic...

Rhinos are returned to a plateau in central Kenya, decades after poachers wiped them...

LOISABA CONSERVANCY, Kenya (AP) — Conservationists in Kenya are celebrating as rhinos were returned to a grassy plateau that hasn't seen them in decades.The...