Bestselling spiritual author Marianne Williamson presses on with against-the-odds presidential run

Marianne Williamson has kept barnstorming for months across America — to audiences large and small, from churches and colleges to spiritual centers and soup...

What they want: Biden and Xi are looking for clarity in an increasingly difficult...

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden and China’s Xi Jinping have no shortage of difficult issues to discuss when they sit down for their...

French politicians, citizens march in Paris against soaring antisemitism amid Israel-Hamas war

PARIS (AP) — French politicians and citizens marched in Paris on Sunday to protest against rising antisemitism in the wake of Israel’s ongoing war...

Drought and mismanagement have left a French island parched. That holds lessons for the...

MAMOUDZOU, Mayotte (AP) — Drop by disappearing drop, water is an ever more precious resource on Mayotte, the poorest place in the European Union....

Millions of Indians set a new world record celebrating Diwali as worries about air...

LUCKNOW, India (AP) — Millions of Indians celebrated Diwali on Sunday with a new Guinness World Record number of bright earthen oil lamps as...

Dutch election candidates make migration a key campaign issue in the crowded Netherlands

TER APEL, Netherlands (AP) — It is a familiar sight in this remote rural town: a migrant in a headscarf and thick winter coat...

Long walk to school: 30 years into freedom, many kids in South Africa still...

DUNDEE, South Africa (AP) — On weekdays, 14-year-old Luyanda Hlali gets up before dawn to fetch firewood and cow dung to start a fire...

Protesters will demonstrate against world leaders, Israel-Hamas war as APEC comes to San Francisco

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Activists protesting corporate profits, environmental abuses, poor working conditions and the Israel-Hamas war are among those planning to march in...

There’s another wildfire burning in Hawaii. This one is destroying irreplaceable rainforest on Oahu

HONOLULU (AP) — A wildfire burning in a remote Hawaii rainforest is underscoring a new reality for the normally lush island state just a...

A fragile global economy is at stake as US and China seek to cool...

WASHINGTON (AP) — The United States and China are the two global economic heavyweights. Combined, they produce more than 40% of the world's goods...