Greenfield water takes inventory, asks community for help


The Greenfield Water Utility is continuing to build an inventory of all the water service lines that provide drinking water to City of Greenfield utility customers. This work is required as part of the EPA’s Lead and Copper Rule Improvement of the Safe Drinking Water Act that became effective Nov. 30, 2023. The first component of this new rule is the requirement for Public Water Systems to develop a Lead Service Line Inventory by Oct. 16, 2024. This inventory must include 100% of all connections to the public water distribution system, both the utility-owned side and the customer-owned side. Once the inventory is completed, it will serve as a foundation to build plans to remove old service lines, even if they are not made of lead in the near future.

The Greenfield Water Utility is requesting the public’s assistance to complete its inventory. The utility has set up a short survey to allow customers to let the utility’s staff know if the customers’ home or building was built prior to 1988 and if the customer owned a water service line that starts at the connect 3-4 feet after the water meter pit and ends in the home or business at a shut off valve, has been replaced. The last question the survey asks the customer is to identify what material is used in their current customer side water service line that comes into the building. The utility is asking in the survey to provide a picture of the pipe connection in the home. There are examples of the type of picture the utility needs on its website. The utility will use completed surveys as verified information and enter that information into the inventory.

Customers can access the survey online at or by calling the Water Utility at 317-477-4350.

If customers fill out the survey, it will prevent the utility from having to hydro-excavate a hole at the point of connection between the utility side of the service line and the customers. The utility will be scheduling the physical line inspections starting Aug. 1, so it is encouraging all customers to fill out a survey online or call the office as soon as possible.