Greenfield man charged with gun crime in a case where K-9 was struck by a vehicle


Patrick Demond Mix, 44, Greenfield

HANCOCK COUNTY — Official charges against Patrick Demond Mix, the Greenfield man who fled police and then inadvertently part of causing a Greenfield Police Department (GPD) K-9 to get hit by a vehicle, made his initial appearance in court this week.

Mix, 44, 903 North Broadway Street, has been charged with a Level 4 felony count of unlawful possession of a firearm by serious violent felon; a Level 6 felony count of resisting law enforcement using a vehicle; a Class A misdemeanor count of resisting law enforcement and a Class C misdemeanor count of operating a vehicle with an alcohol concentration equivalent of at least .08 but less than .15.

The case against Mix was officially opened in Hancock County Superior 1 Monday, June 3. Mix had an initial appearance Tuesday, June 4 with Judge D.J. Davis. Davis set a $12,000 cash bond and ordered Mix to be back in court Wednesday, June 19.

According to the probable cause affidavit, GPD patrolman, Caleb Freeman and his K-9 partner Ace were on patrol Sunday, June 2 when a passenger car was observed committing a traffic infraction on North State Street. Freeman officials said initiated a traffic and, upon speaking with the driver, identified as Mix, Freeman observed signs of intoxication.

While waiting for a back-up officer to arrive, Mix sped away from the traffic stop in the vehicle and with Freeman giving chase. Mix eventually came to an abrupt stop in the 300 block of E. Park Avenue and began running from the vehicle on foot, officials said.

Freeman sent K-9 Ace after Mix. Just before catching Mix, Ace unfortunately was struck by a vehicle on North Spring Street, officials said. Officers assisting were able to catch Mix and take him into custody without further incident.

Freeman immediately tended to Ace and realized he needed emergency care. Ace was taken to Indy-Vet Emergency and Specialty Hospital in Indianapolis where officials said he was bruised and banged-up, but is expected to be O.K.

As of Tuesday, Ace was home resting and officials say he will need some time off to get better before officials think about putting him back in action.

According to the affidavit, Mix told officials he had two beers and three straight shots, and law enforcement noted Mix failed some of the field tests he was given on scene. His chemical test resulted in a .095.

Officials also noted Mix was originally pulled over because he didn’t have his headlights, but only fog-lights on at 10:55 p.m. Sunday night.

The reported noted when Mix was pulled over, he hit a curb, and when Freeman approached his vehicle the officer noticed the smell of alcohol and saw open alcohol in the vehicle. Freeman also saw, the report stated, a gun on Mix’s left hip inside a holster.

Freeman, the report stated, took the gun and went back to his vehicle to check on Mix’s record and that’s when Mix took off, the affidavit said. Freeman had called for backup after learning Mix had a previous convicted felon record surrounding a Level 3 felony armed robbery case.