Hope for Living: Greatest gift was wrapped — in swaddling clothes


John Wakeman is pastor of Greenfield Faith Church.

Christmas brings warm feelings and fond memories. We see the excitement of a child opening gifts in the secular world, and the solemn singing of “Silent Night” at a church service in the Christian world. Sometimes it seems hard to fully bring both worlds together.

There is a story of a little 4-year old girl, experiencing Christmas with lots of presents and toys. Her parents hadn’t fully explained the real reason for the season. The excited little girl exclaimed, “I sure hope Mary and Joseph have another baby!”

We all know the secular world promotes Santa Claus and gift giving. We read books like “Twas the Night before Christmas” and “A Christmas Carol.” We watch great movies like “Miracle on 34th Street” and “It’s a Wonderful Life.” It would be a terrible mistake to base one’s theology on these classics (and no, angels don’t get their wings every time a bell rings).

The appeal of a secular Christmas has caused many people to call this a “Winter Holiday” instead of “Christmas.” Little do they know that the word holiday is derived from the words “holy day.”

There is much hustle and bustle in the secular world with little regard to Jesus. When a Nativity scene is put up on church property, we might one day hear comments like “Well, wouldn’t you know it, even the churches are getting in on Christmas!”

At Christmastime, the tradition around the world is to give gifts to loved ones. It may have started as people followed the wonderful example provided by the Magi in the second chapter of Matthew. They gave valuable gifts of gold and frankincense and myrrh.

Over the years, gift giving has been a way to remind ourselves of God’s greatest gift of all, His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

The gift of Jesus is a “for-all-the-year” gift that we should be thankful for everyday. Romans 6:23 tells us that “the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” What a truly remarkable gift that is! 2 Corinthians 9:15 calls it an “indescribable gift!”

The gift of Jesus that we celebrate at Christmas brings us the opportunity to have eternal life. Jesus was given to us to pay the penalty for our sins. This is truly a gift, given by the unconditional grace and love of God.

It is unearned, unmerited and undeserved. We can only accept it and be tremendously grateful.

This Christmas, celebrate the greatest birthday ever! Give and receive Christmas gifts with the world. Remember that they signify, and point to, the supreme gift from God.

Give meaningful and useful gifts, as the Magi did so many years ago. Whatever the size or value of your gifts, it is the thought that counts. The gift of our Lord is of infinite value, and given with astonishing love (John 3:16)!

This little baby Jesus grew up to be “the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world” (John 1:29). Because of our sin, Jesus sacrificed Himself for us. That should bring a great celebration!

Let the love of God flow through you this Christmas. Show compassion and kindness to the world around you.

Along with your Christmas gifts, be sure to share Jesus with others. And may our Christmas gift to God this year be “peace on earth and goodwill toward men” (Luke 2:14).

Merry Christmas!

John Wakeman is pastor of Greenfield Faith Church. This weekly column is written by local clergy members.