School briefs


Students to perform “Christmas at the Movies”

GREENFIELD – “Christmas at the Movies” is the theme of the holiday concerts performed by Greenfield-Central High School music students this month.

The annual GCHS concert featuring all performing arts groups including choirs, orchestra and bands will be at 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. Dec. 16 at the school’s auditorium, 810 N. Broadway St., Greenfield. Tickets are at and at the door; cost is $6 for adults, free for students 18 and younger.

SH superintendent search input sought

NEW PALESTINE – Southern Hancock schools are seeking community input on a new superintendent.

The school board is using a university search team to aid in the process. A group of professors from Ball State, Indiana State, Indiana and Purdue universities are collecting data about what the community believes are strengths, challenges and other important aspects to help select the next superintendent. The link to the survey is at

No individual responses will be reported; rather overall results will be prepared for the school board. Direct questions to Dr. Michele Moore, Indiana University clinical assistant professor, at [email protected].

G-CHS to host silent auction

GREENFIELD – Greenfield-Central High School’s senior class council is sponsoring a silent auction for scholarships in the memory of former students Ben Culver, Todd Lewis and Zach Lett. The auction will be at 5:30 p.m. Feb. 9 during the men’s basketball game. The auction started 19 years ago for the Zach Lett Running for Excellence Scholarship. Over the past 20 years, the silent auction has raised more than $80,000 in local scholarships.

Rankin earns STEM scholarship

GREENFIELD – Lexi Rankin of Greenfield received a scholarship to support her biochemistry/chemistry education.

Rankin was among the five qualifying master’s students at Middle Tennessee State University to a total of $50,000 to assist their educational pursuits in science, technology, engineering and math. The goal of the program is to award 25 students annually; Rankin qualifies for up to $20,000 per year, according to a press release from the university.

Students vs. teachers in upcoming basketball game

GREENFIELD – Special Olympics Indiana’s Unified Champions program will host a basketball game at 5 p.m. Dec. 13 in which the champions will take on Greenfield-Central teachers.

The event is at the Greenfield Central Junior High School main gym, 1440 N. Franklin St., Greenfield. Admission is $5 for adults and students and proceeds support the Special Olympics program.

EHEF silent auction this week

CHARLOTTESVILLE – The Eastern Hancock Education Foundation will host a silent auction Dec. 15 during the home boys basketball game. Traditionally known as its “Pie Auction,” the event will include baked goods, candy, crafts/homemade items, themed baskets and more. Last year a new record of $3,700 was raised; the group hopes to beat that record this year. Visit for updates and more information.

Foundation offers scholarships

GREENFIELD – The Community Foundation of Hancock County has announced scholarship opportunities. More than $450,000 will be awarded.

Traditional scholarship applications for graduating seniors and current college students are open now through Feb. 9. Nontraditional applications for adult learners are open Dec. 15 until funds are disbursed. Applications for trade and technology seniors are from Feb. 12 to April 12. Apply at For questions, call 317-462-8870 or email [email protected].

Mentor program coming to EHMS

CHARLOTTESVILLE – The Hancock County Youth Assistance Program is partnering with Eastern Hancock schools to help provide adult mentors for middle school students.

Mentoring connects a student with a responsible caring adult with the goal of developing a positive relationship with the student. The program is currently seeking mentors and donations.

Visit for updates and more information or email [email protected].