Off the shelves


“The Little Liar”

The following items are available at the Hancock County Public Library, 900 W. McKenzie Road. Descriptions are provided by the publisher, unless otherwise noted. For more information on the library’s collection or to reserve a title, visit

Fiction: “The Little Liar” by Mitch Albom

Eleven-year-old Nico Crispi never told a lie. When the Nazis invade his home in Salonika, Greece, the trustworthy boy is discovered by a German officer, who offers him a chance to save his family. All Nico has to do is convince his fellow Jewish residents to board trains heading towards “the east” where they are promised jobs and safety. Unaware that this is all a cruel ruse, the innocent boy goes to the station platform every day and reassures the passengers that the journey is safe. But when the final train is at the station, Nico sees his family being loaded into a large boxcar crowded with other neighbors. Only after it is too late does Nico discover that he helped send the people he loved—and all the others—to their doom at Auschwitz. Nico never tells the truth again.

 “Ghosts of Honolulu”

Nonfiction: “Ghosts of Honolulu: A Japanese Spy, A Japanese American Spy Hunter, and the Untold Story of Pearl Harbor” by Mark Harmon

Hawaii, 1941. War clouds with Japan are gathering and the islands of Hawaii have become battlegrounds of spies, intelligence agents, and military officials – with the island’s residents caught between them. Toiling in the shadows are Douglas Wada, the only Japanese American agent in naval intelligence, and Takeo Yoshikawa, a Japanese spy sent to Pearl Harbor to gather information on the U.S. fleet. Douglas Wada’s experiences in his native Honolulu include posing undercover as a newspaper reporter, translating wiretaps on the Japanese Consulate, and interrogating America’s first captured POW of World War II, a submarine officer found on the beach. Takeo Yoshikawa is a Japanese spy operating as a junior diplomat with the consulate who is collecting vital information that goes straight to Admiral Yamamoto. Their dueling stories anchor Ghosts of Honolulu’s gripping depiction of the world-changing cat and mouse games played between Japanese and US military intelligence agents (and a mercenary Nazi) in Hawaii before the outbreak of the second world war.

 “The Improbable Tales of Baskerville Hall”

Youth: “The Improbable Tales of Baskerville Hall” by Ali Standish

What if young Arthur Conan Doyle really went to a secret school for extraordinarily gifted children called Baskerville Hall? When a mysterious man with a pipe notices young Arthur’s incredible deductive skills, Arthur’s offered a spot at the esteemed Baskerville Hall and a chance to lift his family out of poverty. There Arthur makes quick friends with Irene Eagle, a girl who boldly strides into any adventure, and Jimmie Moriarty, a boy whose brilliance rivals Arthur’s own. Soon Arthur and his friends are invited into a powerful secret society called the Clover. In order to be accepted into the illustrious social club, they must pass three tests.