Letter to the Editor: Distracting the electorate from unmitigated incompetence


To the Editor:

After reading the unhinged feverish tirade from local Dem Adkins, and his obsession with the “greatest issue ever seen by local GOP electees”, the January 6th gathering, we can plainly see the left’s grasping for anything to distract the electorate from their unmitigated incompetence and failures on a scale not seen since the great depression. The only person killed at the Jan. 6th event was an unarmed Air Force veteran, Ashley Babbit, killed by a leftist lunatic cop who was then promoted by the socialist cabal currently ruining America. The Make America Great Again movement is needed more now than ever, and since when is MAGA a bad idea? Do we want to keep America in this democrat devised malaise of failure on every front? Foreign policy is in tatters, high inflation, high interest rates, supply chain idiocy and the list just goes on and on. Every time this senile president opens his mouth, the actual people running the country have to walk back his “mistatements” and correct the little addled liar. The obsession the left has with the 6th is as usual fostered and blown wildly out of proportion by the leftist state media, CNN, PMSNBC, ABC, CBS, and NBC. The uninformed and gullible of course are susceptible to this propaganda, which is exactly the reason to promote it non-stop. The socialists must have these reliably uninformed and naive voters show up at the polls, especially with the huge wave they see coming in a few weeks. Even the most vapid among us can look around and see that just maybe things should be a lot better than they are now, maybe like the great economy, low gas prices, solid foreign policy, and strong leadership we had under President Trump, Mr. MAGA himself. The majority of this country is still bright enough to see this, or at least let’s hope they are. America cannot afford to have another day of zero leadership and fascist regime tactics like we see happening before our eyes today. Let’s MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

Tim McDowell
