Letter to the Editor: The stormwater problem


To the Editor:

After reading the storm water article in Tuesday’s July 12, 2022 paper, I found it to totally miss the whole problem about stormwater. It all starts with Hancock County Construction. It’s about losing ground water we need just running off.

With all the buiolding in southern and western Hancock County, just look at all the water runoff, roofs, driveways, more roads, big buildings, major problems, too many houses on ground that is basically peat moss and can’t stand anymore runoff. Water hits roof, road, drivewats or parking lots and, within minutes, it’s in subsurface drainage into rivers, creeks and ditches, flooding everybody within minutes.

The problem is in the county commissioners letting so many people have building permits, along with way too many big businesses located in such a small area. Building more would only create more problems. Restrcitions need to be placed on new constrcution of everything. We need a reservoir in southen Hanock County to hold such water from more damage to homes that are already there. This is a self-inflicted problem by government, and it can only be fixed by government, and by people voting for responsible people.

This runoff could be used for recreation purposes and water reserves. Diverted, clean sewer water is a great part of the problem. What was once distributed across much area is now directed to the creek. After living within an around Sugar Creek for more than 50 years, I am a well-versed authority on it.

With all the runoff, it will not be long before until we have water shortages.

Charles Weber
