Extension homemaker shares salad recipe


Editor’s note: The Daily Reporter is featuring local recipes and the stories behind them. This recipe was originally submitted to the “Homemade Hometown Favorites” cookbook by the Hancock County Extension Homemakers by Vickie Ramsey in memory of her mother, Nell Goode. Here, Teresa Bowlby shares the same recipe and, like Ramsey, serves it in an heirloom glass dish.

“Many times I have enjoyed the Seven Layer Salad recipe that my mother used to make. I was thrilled when I found nearly the same recipe in the ‘Homemade Hometown Favorites’ cookbook. I love presenting the salad in the glass bowl that I received during my bridal shower…many, many years ago!” — Teresa Bowlby, Greenfield


Chopped head of lettuce

Chopped green onions or red onions

½ cup chopped celery

½ cup chopped cauliflower

1 small package of frozen peas– cooked, drained and cooled

1 package grated cheddar cheese

6 to 7 slices of bacon, cooked and crumbled



Directions: Layer each item in a large glass bowl in order of the ingredients. Spread mayonnaise on top and sprinkle sugar over mayonnaise. Wrap with plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight.