Hoosiers by Choice campaign kicks off

The Hoosiers by Choice website offers stories about why people moved to Indiana and why they stay. submitted

INDIANAPOLIS — Lt. Gov. Suzanne Crouch and the Indiana Destination Development Corporation (IDDC) recently announced the launch of “Hoosiers by Choice,” a new quality of life initiative. The campaign features people who have moved to Indiana and chosen to make the Hoosier State their permanent home. The campaign will run throughout 2021, showcasing what makes Indiana a great place to live and why people from other places have chosen to stay.

The Hoosiers by Choice website will display authentic Hoosier stories of people living across Indiana in the form of short videos. The videos will explain why these Hoosiers by Choice chose to move to and, ultimately, stay in Indiana.

In recent years, the population of people choosing to call Indiana home has increased. The 2018 National Movers Study found 51 percent of state-to-state moves involving Indiana were in-bound, with more people moving into the state than out. Indiana also consistently served as the top destination for people leaving Illinois, with Indiana drawing nearly 9 percent of residents departing Illinois in 2017, according to information taken from the U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey.

Among the stories on the website are those of Tamika Catchings of the Indiana Fever, Turkish-born Ayse Mathies and former Disney employee Neelay Bhatt.

“As Hoosiers, we know we have incredible stories to tell, and the Hoosiers by Choice campaign will allow us to be intentional about sharing those stories,” said Elaine Bedel, Secretary and CEO of IDDC. “We are hopeful that the campaign will instill a sense of pride in current Hoosiers and show perspective Hoosiers what makes Indiana a great place for anyone to call home.”