Letter to the editor: A note to a 1980s rock star


To the editor:

THE Mr. Phil Collins, ladies and gentlemen! Phil, let Trump, the Trumpster, ("The Donald") have his fun by playing your hit song "In The Air Tonight" at any rallies in the future he might want to use it at.

Phil, you’re better than that! And odds are — perhaps unfortunately? — he will end up being a one-term president anyway, which, all things considered, might not be a bad thing, and I’ve been any ardent fan of his — an underdog — since he was catapulted to the front of the line as the leader of the pack in the 2016 Republican presidential debates.

Lastly, Phil, if someone is gracious enough to pass this on to you for your perusal, you are now, it seems to me, well-poised to make a handsome-looking comeback, making sure "the kids" remember just how good you and the rockers during the 1980s really were, a much-needed cultural lesson if you like!

David Wayne Ward
