Holcomb tests negative for coronavirus

Gov. Eric Holcomb has tested negative for COVID-19, his office announced.

INDIANAPOLIS — Gov. Eric J. Holcomb has tested negative for COVID-19 after learning that his state health commissioner had become infected, the governor’s office announced Thursday morning, Oct. 15, in a news release.

The governor was tested after Dr. Kristina Box, the health commissioner, announced she had tested positive for COVID-19 on Wednesday after spending time with her grandson and daughter, who also tested positive. Box has entered quarantine for 14 days.

Dr. Lindsay Weaver, chief medical officer for the Indiana State Department of Health, several members of the Governor’s office, and several members of the health department also underwent tests. All have tested negative so far.



The news release noted that Holcomb and other staff members were not considered close contacts because they observed distancing and wore masks during interactions with Box. But they sought tests anyway out of caution.