‘Back the Blue’ rally to be held in Greenfield


GREENFIELD — A “Back the Blue” rally in support of law enforcement will be held in front of the Hancock County Courthouse on Saturday, Aug. 1, from 3-6 p.m.

Greenfield resident Jean Hauck, who organized the event, said it is intended to show support for police in Hancock County and around the country. The event has received permission to gather from the Greenfield Police Department, and some officers plan to attend.

Over 250 people have marked that they are attending or interested in the event on Facebook, something Hauck said took her by surprise. She hopes the rally will help promote dialogue between law enforcement and members of the public.

Hauck said attendees will assemble peacefully on the sidewalks in front of the courthouse. She asked those who come to avoid confrontation with any counter-protestErs who attend. Hand sanitizer will be available, and GPD has recommended social distancing and wearing masks.

“Mostly, be peaceful and polite and have that conversation,” Hauck said.