Letter to the editor: Hancock Health taking risks with development

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To the editor:

A story in your Jan. 24 issue ("Gateway project gets and assist," Page A1) reports that Hancock Regional Hospital (and NineStar Connect) are now in the business of developing some property at the southwest corner of I-70 and Mt. Comfort Road, at a cost of $23 million.

When did the hospital decide that it should be in the developing business? If this project fails, then it might take our hospital down with it. And since many economists say that we are overdue for a recession, a retrenchment of new business expansion seems very possible, so there might not be a buyer after sinking $23 million into the ground.

Running a hospital is difficult enough, so let the hospital concentrate on that. What does Hancock Health President and CEO Steve Long know about development anyway? He’s our health care expert.

Remember that Mr. Long is the same person who wants to spend $30 million to relocate four side businesses that the hospital runs. In two columns that he wrote trying to defend that enormous expenditure, he never addressed the questions your letter writers had as to how there would be a $30 million benefit to the re-locations.

The hospital apparently has too much money on its hands. Why does it not reduce its charges or spend it on some health-related matters? How about helping our residents with their opioid crises?

Roberta Madden
